Kujukushima bay large aquarium

Kukushima Bay is in the south of Kujukushima. It is surrounded by a complex coastline and numerous islands. Reef, algae field, coast, beach and mud pool are scattered here, and the environment is rich in changes. Moreover, living creatures live in various environments. In Japan, it is also a rare open-air large trough in the Kujukushima Bay, which reproduces the changes of natural environment and organisms from the distant sea to the coast. It can be observed carefully in the circular corridor.
(Fishes traveling far into the sea)

(Fishes traveling far into the sea)
The far sea of Kujukushima Bay has injected tsushima warm currents, forming a rare and abundant current in China. Remigratory fish, sharks, shrimps and other fish species are abundant, and a variety of fish live here. The fish like sardines and pod fish form a large looking body to protect themselves.
Scalloped hammerhead
Chub mackerel
Parapristipoma trilineatum
Dasyatis ushiei

In the rocky of Kujukushima, dense algae grow and form the algae field. Small fish and shrimp live here, the source of abundant sea area.
Sargassum horneri(Seasonal display)
Epinephelus akaara
Half-lined cardinal

Many organisms gather here because reefs are safe places. The creatures that hide between rocks, and the creatures that form fish flocks among rocks, can hide immediately when they feel dangerous when they breathe while swimming. The creatures who own their own territory hide in the cracks of the rocks and peep at each other.
Moray eel
Sebastiscus marmoratus
Epinephelus septemfasciatus
Blacktip grouper

Kujukushima with complex coastline, many waves calm into the river, forming a natural beach breeding many organisms. There are many organisms that lay eggs and breed in algae farms. In summer, when the seaweed withered, the small glycyrrhiza, seaweed and so on began to flourish.
Fan mussel
Zostera marina
Motleystripe rainbowfish
Sebastes inermis

There are sea urchins, sea cucumbers, crabs and so on hidden in the seashore crevices. There are also small fish, shrimps, hermit crabs and other creatures that can be seen in the shallows during the ebb tide. In the shallows, small creatures do not have to worry about being attacked by large creatures. They are good shelters.
Pseudocentrotus depressus
Patiria pectinifera
Pagurus filholi
Apostichopus armata